This is the most popular route for overseas businesses who want to establish a commercial presence in the UK.

[av_heading heading=’Sole Representative of an Overseas Business visa’ tag=’h5′ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’][/av_heading]

  1. The overseas business must send an overseas employee (who was recruited abroad) who holds a senior position in the company to the UK. The company must not have any UK branches or subsidiaries already. Although, if the company has already established a UK branch and it is still inactive, it may still be possible for them to send a representative over to the UK to activate it. It has to be either a UK branch or a wholly-owned subsidiary and it must also operate the same business as the overseas headquarter.
  2. Applicant needs to demonstrate basic English language ability and meet maintenance requirement
  3. The applicant will be able to apply for permanent residence permit in 3-5  years and UK citizenship in 5-6 years.
  4. The initial entry clearance will be granted for 3 years and can be extended for a further 2 years afterwards
  5. The Sole Representative visa category applies to the main applicant and all immediate family members, including spouse and children under the age of 18

[av_heading heading=’The requirements the representative must meet are listed out as follows:’ tag=’h5′ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’][/av_heading]

  1. Must hold a senior position in the overseas company
  2. Must have been recruited overseas
  3. Must be authorised to take all operational decisions on behalf of the overseas headquarter
  4. Must have a proven track record of being successful in that business or a related field
  5. Must have a credible business plan on how he will establish the UK branch
  6. Must be able to speak and write English at a basic level
  7. Must meet the maintenance requirement
  8. The company must not already have a UK branch or a wholly-owned subsidiary
  9. The  UK branch must do the same type of business as the overseas headquarter

We have an excellent track record of helping many overseas representatives get their visas and come to the UK to set up a commercial presence here. The Home Office requires an extensive list of documents concerning both the company and the representative for this type of application.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact UK Visa Partners on +44 (0)20 7253 6888 by phone or by e-mail.

这类签证对于希望在英国建立分公司的海外企业来说十分受欢迎。我们有帮助许多海外商业代表人得到他们的签证并能前往英国设立商业分公司的优良纪录。我们的现有成功案例, 已经有通过此类签证获得永久居留权或英国国籍的。

[av_heading heading=’主要的条件式’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’][/av_heading]

海外的母公司想要在英国成立分公司或办事处, 必须发送一个在海外公司里担任高级的员工到英国建立分公司。该海外的母公司不能在英国已经有任何的分公司。如果该公司已经建立了英国的分公司,而它仍然未受激活,那么公司仍然还可以委托我们办理这类签证。

此类签证的持有人在前往英国后, 律师可以协助公司在英国境内注册英国的分公司或全资附属公司。 英国公司必须跟海外总部做同样类型的企业。

[av_heading heading=’申请人必须满足的基本要求’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’][/av_heading]

  1. 必须在海外公司担任高级的职位
  2. 必须有权采取所有经营决策的决定权
  3. 必须在那类的经营里面有高成功率的记录
  4. 必须有一个可信的商业计划来发展英国的分公司
  5. 必须能够阅读听写基本的英语
  6. 必须有足够的资金满足生活费要求
  7. 本公司不能已经有一个英国的分公司或全资附属公司
  8. 英国分公司必须跟海外总部做同样类型的企业

最初的签证将批3年,可以事后再延签2年 。签证持满5年后可申请永居

英国内政部要求广泛的文件,大多数都是关于国内的母公司和申请人的文件。 此类签证申请时,需要提供一份商业计划书, 申请人也有可能被要求参加面试, 用已审核该申请人是否真的是有相关行业或公司运作的认知。

欲想了解更多信息,请立即以 +44(0)2072536888 通过电话或以info@ukvisapartners.com通过电邮联系 英国签证伙伴。


  1. 会社で上級職を担当している
  2. 海外で採用された
  3. 会社の代表として本社から会社運営の決定権が与えられている
  4. ビジネスの分野で優秀な実績を証明できる
  5. イギリスで支店を開くための確かなビジネスプランがある
  6. 文章と会話のための基本的な英語力があること
  7. メンテナンス(生活費)が維持できることの証明ができる
  8. イギリスに会社の支店や子会社等がすでに存在していないこと
  9. 支店が海外の本社と同じ事業を運営すること
  10. 入国許可は3年間有効です。そのあと、さらに滞在を2年間伸ばす申請もできます。
  11. このビザによって5年間イギリスに滞在した場合、永住権が申請できます。


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