Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)



This category is for early-stage but high potential entrepreneurs starting a business in the UK for the first time.

1. English language requirement 

2. Very little investment funds required 

  • Applicants do not need any funds to invest in their business at this stage, and must not have previously set up a business in the UK. However an applicant must show they have at least £945 of available funds, plus £630 funds for each dependent.

3. Innovative viable and scalable business idea

  • Applicants will have an innovative viable and scalable business idea which is supported by an endorsing body.
  • During the granted period of leave applicants will spend the majority of their time developing their businesses but can also take on other work outside of their businesses, to support themselves.
  • Successful applicants are granted leave for 2 year, and switch into Innovator category to extend their stay and develop their businesses in the UK.

4. Short waiting time 

  • You will get a decision within 30 working days.
  • If your documents are complete, it could take as quick as one month.

Time spent on this visa will unfortunately not be counted in towards settlement through the 5-year route, however, it will be counted in towards the 10-year route.

For more information, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7253 6888 by phone or info@ukvisapartners.com by e-mail to arrange a consultation, where we can discuss things further.

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)



1. 语言门槛:

  • 英国初创者签证类别目对申请人的英语要求达到B2 等级分以上标准 (相当于雅思5.5 – 6.0)。

2. 资金投入少:


3. 投资项目灵活:


4. 成功申请者获得两年签证:


5. 办理周期短:


电话: +44 (0) 20 7253 6888 电邮: info@ukvisapartners.com

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)

このビザは非EEA国籍で英国内で学ばれた学生が対象です。イギリスで 学士、修士、または博士課程を申請の3ヶ月前に終え、イギリスでビジ ネスを立ち上げるための確かな経営計画をお持ちの方には二つの選択肢 がございます。一つは大学に推薦されるか、UKTI (英国貿易投資総省)に 推薦されることです。英語の必要条件においては、イギリスの大学・大 学院から卒業した時点ですでに条件を満たしています。このビザの場 合、5年ルートで永住権を申請することはできませんが、10年ルート は可能です。お客様によっては、Tier 1 (投資家ビザ)の条件を通ることが できるかもしれません。その場合、永住権の申請をより早くすることができます。

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